all postcodes in BS13 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS13 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS13 8NL 16 0 51.410126 -2.628512
BS13 8NN 31 0 51.408357 -2.629854
BS13 8NP 23 0 51.407325 -2.631105
BS13 8NQ 24 0 51.41105 -2.627274
BS13 8NR 20 0 51.407002 -2.630957
BS13 8NS 26 0 51.406369 -2.629999
BS13 8NT 6 0 51.409662 -2.629584
BS13 8NU 24 0 51.405626 -2.632663
BS13 8NW 38 0 51.408553 -2.630173
BS13 8NX 21 0 51.405815 -2.631041
BS13 8NY 21 0 51.406049 -2.632712
BS13 8NZ 12 0 51.405487 -2.631827
BS13 8PA 31 0 51.406287 -2.631852
BS13 8PF 35 0 51.410309 -2.621167
BS13 8PG 24 0 51.409177 -2.620737
BS13 8PH 11 0 51.409212 -2.621181
BS13 8PJ 14 0 51.408827 -2.620589
BS13 8PL 30 0 51.409434 -2.621874
BS13 8PN 10 0 51.410593 -2.621962
BS13 8PP 22 0 51.41016 -2.62384