all postcodes in BS16 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS16 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS16 1BJ 1 1 51.480305 -2.555863
BS16 1BL 26 1 51.478513 -2.558246
BS16 1BN 13 0 51.478246 -2.555537
BS16 1BP 32 0 51.478917 -2.55648
BS16 1BQ 2 1 51.478333 -2.55993
BS16 1BS 25 0 51.479331 -2.558415
BS16 1BT 8 0 51.478667 -2.558018
BS16 1BU 5 0 51.480448 -2.559724
BS16 1BW 37 0 51.478845 -2.554521
BS16 1BX 12 0 51.488222 -2.54886
BS16 1BY 20 0 51.487983 -2.54828
BS16 1BZ 14 0 51.487715 -2.547874
BS16 1DA 9 0 51.481918 -2.539639
BS16 1DB 17 0 51.48283 -2.54276
BS16 1FU 180 0 51.482785 -2.544388
BS16 1DD 2 2 51.484994 -2.542974
BS16 1DE 4 0 51.483559 -2.544555
BS16 1DF 6 0 51.48365 -2.546212
BS16 1DG 7 0 51.483836 -2.548749
BS16 1DH 8 0 51.485207 -2.547829