all postcodes in BS16 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS16 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS16 1DJ 9 0 51.486137 -2.546991
BS16 1DL 20 0 51.486116 -2.54568
BS16 1DN 13 2 51.486901 -2.546985
BS16 1DP 23 0 51.486249 -2.548
BS16 1DQ 5 0 51.483223 -2.54913
BS16 1DR 9 0 51.486127 -2.549093
BS16 1DS 10 0 51.486665 -2.547544
BS16 1DT 28 3 51.485411 -2.550266
BS16 1DU 13 0 51.485975 -2.550848
BS16 1DW 17 0 51.48712 -2.548356
BS16 1DX 29 0 51.485519 -2.552326
BS16 1DY 19 0 51.486236 -2.552652
BS16 1DZ 11 0 51.486404 -2.551502
BS16 1EA 3 0 51.487267 -2.54565
BS16 1EB 11 0 51.487925 -2.545428
BS16 1ED 1 1 51.485047 -2.539705
BS16 1EE 22 0 51.487921 -2.544232
BS16 1EF 6 0 51.483047 -2.552008
BS16 1EJ 24 23 51.502852 -2.540896
BS16 1EP 15 0 51.485535 -2.548597