all postcodes in BS16 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS16 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS16 3ES 14 0 51.473604 -2.538864
BS16 3ET 17 0 51.473827 -2.539443
BS16 3EW 26 0 51.473846 -2.537139
BS16 3HE 1 1 51.477063 -2.535723
BS16 3HH 1 1 51.47693 -2.535174
BS16 3HJ 14 5 51.478139 -2.534324
BS16 3HL 1 1 51.47756 -2.533094
BS16 3HS 24 0 51.477673 -2.533887
BS16 3HT 16 0 51.477353 -2.535049
BS16 3HU 12 0 51.47773 -2.535241
BS16 3HY 5 1 51.47668 -2.53641
BS16 3HZ 1 1 51.477385 -2.536101
BS16 3JA 22 2 51.476188 -2.534057
BS16 3JB 21 10 51.475533 -2.535935
BS16 3JE 31 1 51.476792 -2.533948
BS16 3JF 16 1 51.476559 -2.533385
BS16 3JG 20 3 51.476527 -2.533009
BS16 3JL 1 1 51.475687 -2.535707
BS16 3JP 27 12 51.474908 -2.533048
BS16 3JQ 5 4 51.477013 -2.532368