all postcodes in BS16 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS16 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS16 3JR 1 1 51.474249 -2.533516
BS16 3JX 2 0 51.475033 -2.530934
BS16 3JY 12 0 51.47482 -2.530657
BS16 3JZ 36 1 51.47435 -2.533171
BS16 3LA 18 0 51.473999 -2.533124
BS16 3LB 17 0 51.473793 -2.534907
BS16 3LD 5 5 51.478421 -2.527617
BS16 3LE 12 0 51.473407 -2.534946
BS16 3LF 30 1 51.47285 -2.534723
BS16 3LG 13 0 51.471953 -2.532351
BS16 3LH 12 0 51.472305 -2.532082
BS16 3LJ 45 9 51.474092 -2.536178
BS16 3LP 17 1 51.473043 -2.535906
BS16 3LQ 14 0 51.47147 -2.531727
BS16 3LT 30 0 51.472464 -2.528672
BS16 3LU 18 0 51.470437 -2.527195
BS16 3LW 7 0 51.473394 -2.535824
BS16 3LX 18 0 51.472041 -2.526809
BS16 3LY 14 1 51.471602 -2.526444
BS16 3LZ 25 0 51.471111 -2.525517