all postcodes in BS22 / WESTON-SUPER-MARE

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Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS22 6EW 0 51.3574 -2.930511
BS22 6EX 1 51.358775 -2.929461
BS22 6FU 0 51.360282 -2.910858
BS22 6HA 6 51.359616 -2.929981
BS22 6HB 3 51.359728 -2.929834
BS22 6HD 8 51.359435 -2.929441
BS22 6HE 5 51.359762 -2.928634
BS22 6HF 1 51.343881 -2.957023
BS22 6HG 7 51.359963 -2.928207
BS22 6HN 6 51.359208 -2.928221
BS22 6HQ 11 51.360167 -2.928585
BS22 6HR 0 51.359287 -2.92726
BS22 6HS 0 51.359545 -2.926504
BS22 6HT 0 51.358839 -2.925944
BS22 6HU 0 51.359203 -2.92542
BS22 6HW 2 51.358828 -2.927351
BS22 6HX 0 51.35827 -2.926277
BS22 6HY 0 51.358044 -2.925296
BS22 6HZ 0 51.358498 -2.924673
BS22 6JA 10 51.360456 -2.927241