all postcodes in BS22 / WESTON-SUPER-MARE

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Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS22 6JB 5 51.361288 -2.927037
BS22 6JD 7 51.360119 -2.927056
BS22 6JE 8 51.360394 -2.926004
BS22 6JG 0 51.360888 -2.925334
BS22 6JJ 0 51.3605 -2.924349
BS22 6JL 0 51.360156 -2.923509
BS22 6JN 0 51.359642 -2.922551
BS22 6JP 0 51.358792 -2.919705
BS22 6JQ 0 51.360918 -2.924932
BS22 6JR 0 51.359455 -2.919976
BS22 6JS 8 51.360747 -2.926121
BS22 6JT 1 51.361039 -2.924461
BS22 6JU 0 51.358857 -2.920611
BS22 6JW 0 51.359531 -2.921434
BS22 6JZ 0 51.367774 -2.923984
BS22 6LA 0 51.360733 -2.921802
BS22 6LB 0 51.360186 -2.92159
BS22 6LD 0 51.360773 -2.920195
BS22 6LE 0 51.361929 -2.920591
BS22 6LF 0 51.361475 -2.919299