all postcodes in BS23 / WESTON-SUPER-MARE

find any address or company within the BS23 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS23 2DF 17 0 51.354827 -2.987789
BS23 2DG 62 0 51.35513 -2.989512
BS23 2DH 10 0 51.354852 -2.988286
BS23 2DJ 40 0 51.355253 -2.987662
BS23 2DL 18 0 51.355731 -2.986481
BS23 2DN 42 0 51.354947 -2.986269
BS23 2DP 8 0 51.355329 -2.986214
BS23 2DQ 51 0 51.355746 -2.987521
BS23 2DR 23 0 51.353945 -2.987074
BS23 2DT 31 3 51.352798 -2.986633
BS23 2DU 13 0 51.353102 -2.985792
BS23 2DW 24 0 51.35413 -2.986561
BS23 2DX 66 8 51.353312 -2.98609
BS23 2DY 18 3 51.353356 -2.9851
BS23 2ED 39 2 51.354022 -2.992568
BS23 2EE 5 3 51.353876 -2.991732
BS23 2EF 32 0 51.354746 -2.993439
BS23 2EN 16 0 51.356283 -2.992395
BS23 2EP 49 0 51.354669 -2.992611
BS23 2ER 31 0 51.356331 -2.993143