all postcodes in BS23 / WESTON-SUPER-MARE

find any address or company within the BS23 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS23 1XH 30 3 51.342989 -2.978957
BS23 1XJ 26 2 51.34317 -2.975205
BS23 1XL 102 2 51.341646 -2.975052
BS23 1XN 18 1 51.341381 -2.97664
BS23 1XQ 34 1 51.342885 -2.976427
BS23 1XU 2 1 51.345349 -2.974835
BS23 1XW 39 23 51.341514 -2.978997
BS23 1XY 23 2 51.345119 -2.973293
BS23 1YA 70 1 51.34467 -2.97439
BS23 1YB 13 0 51.344223 -2.973326
BS23 1YD 21 4 51.343468 -2.976187
BS23 1YE 45 4 51.344552 -2.975989
BS23 1YG 18 0 51.343547 -2.974661
BS23 1YH 38 0 51.342369 -2.974212
BS23 1YJ 2 1 51.341933 -2.974762
BS23 1YL 15 0 51.340935 -2.974727
BS23 1YN 15 0 51.340408 -2.974314
BS23 1YP 21 0 51.339475 -2.974078
BS23 1YQ 5 0 51.343598 -2.973873
BS23 1YR 75 0 51.339359 -2.972884