all postcodes in BS24 / WESTON-SUPER-MARE

find any address or company within the BS24 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS24 0AA 15 0 51.314302 -2.949835
BS24 0AB 10 0 51.314549 -2.948205
BS24 0AD 26 1 51.314603 -2.935881
BS24 0AG 1 0 51.315971 -2.967892
BS24 0AL 4 0 51.310808 -2.961442
BS24 0AN 10 4 51.308829 -2.960525
BS24 0AP 9 6 51.296433 -2.971533
BS24 0AS 9 0 51.306367 -2.947656
BS24 0AT 1 1 51.305522 -2.948033
BS24 0AU 23 1 51.305278 -2.948258
BS24 0AW 2 2 51.308443 -2.959893
BS24 0AX 1 0 51.30456 -2.949132
BS24 0BA 8 0 51.303953 -2.947556
BS24 0BD 7 0 51.304043 -2.940364
BS24 0BE 30 0 51.303336 -2.946037
BS24 0BG 8 0 51.30346 -2.948407
BS24 0BH 16 0 51.299851 -2.946087
BS24 0BL 7 0 51.29508 -2.946792
BS24 0JN 8 1 51.282105 -2.937751
BS24 0BN 12 4 51.294698 -2.948477