all postcodes in BS30 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS30 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS30 6JZ 0 51.433137 -2.475754
BS30 6LA 0 51.424511 -2.458463
BS30 6LB 0 51.424285 -2.458777
BS30 6LD 0 51.424068 -2.456805
BS30 6LE 0 51.424644 -2.458306
BS30 6LG 1 51.425158 -2.456212
BS30 6LH 0 51.423863 -2.458486
BS30 6LJ 0 51.422302 -2.459937
BS30 6LL 0 51.420041 -2.458649
BS30 6LN 4 51.419766 -2.445501
BS30 6LQ 0 51.424431 -2.455874
BS30 6LR 0 51.423218 -2.443795
BS30 6LW 2 51.419148 -2.445294
BS30 6LY 1 51.425388 -2.445412
BS30 6LZ 0 51.424886 -2.447364
BS30 6NA 0 51.425675 -2.445631
BS30 6NB 0 51.426326 -2.44417
BS30 6ND 2 51.427477 -2.442326
BS30 6NE 0 51.429622 -2.436075
BS30 6NF 0 51.429532 -2.430781