all postcodes in BS30 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS30 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS30 5BB 0 51.455507 -2.469266
BS30 5DT 0 51.450201 -2.471256
BS30 5FW 0 51.45491 -2.465619
BS30 5JD 7 51.450159 -2.470449
BS30 5HX 0 51.457381 -2.468436
BS30 5HY 0 51.457428 -2.469617
BS30 5HZ 0 51.451947 -2.464682
BS30 5JA 0 51.463667 -2.477137
BS30 5JB 5 51.459116 -2.472355
BS30 5JF 1 51.458935 -2.472713
BS30 5JG 0 51.458025 -2.471379
BS30 5JH 0 51.457923 -2.469507
BS30 5JJ 0 51.456965 -2.468403
BS30 5JL 0 51.457186 -2.465455
BS30 5JN 3 51.45773 -2.464165
BS30 5JP 1 51.453409 -2.463157
BS30 5JQ 0 51.459128 -2.469476
BS30 5JR 0 51.452436 -2.463722
BS30 5JS 0 51.452817 -2.465079
BS30 5JT 0 51.452482 -2.467983