all postcodes in BS30 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS30 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS30 5JU 0 51.450858 -2.468729
BS30 5JW 3 51.456225 -2.462753
BS30 5JX 1 51.45109 -2.469236
BS30 5NW 1 51.450639 -2.470209
BS30 5JY 0 51.457868 -2.470326
BS30 5JZ 1 51.44988 -2.468216
BS30 5LA 0 51.448373 -2.465106
BS30 5LB 0 51.452271 -2.464484
BS30 5LD 0 51.449418 -2.469089
BS30 5LG 0 51.449737 -2.47079
BS30 5LH 0 51.450535 -2.467042
BS30 5LL 0 51.450297 -2.468018
BS30 5LP 0 51.46477 -2.480056
BS30 5LQ 0 51.450466 -2.468379
BS30 5LR 0 51.467129 -2.481032
BS30 5LS 0 51.467589 -2.483181
BS30 5LT 0 51.468623 -2.474353
BS30 5LU 0 51.466945 -2.468693
BS30 5LW 13 51.449726 -2.46407
BS30 5LX 0 51.464271 -2.458718