all postcodes in BS32 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS32 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS32 4LA 6 6 51.546271 -2.560519
BS32 4LB 7 6 51.545005 -2.565852
BS32 4LE 8 0 51.572524 -2.566583
BS32 4LF 10 0 51.574013 -2.565505
BS32 4LG 21 0 51.576086 -2.566397
BS32 4LH 2 0 51.57766 -2.573749
BS32 4LJ 11 1 51.575377 -2.568049
BS32 4LL 14 0 51.574128 -2.571466
BS32 4LN 8 0 51.573823 -2.573165
BS32 4LR 6 0 51.569643 -2.59109
BS32 4LP 5 0 51.571307 -2.587375
BS32 4LQ 37 3 51.576641 -2.568842
BS32 4LS 2 0 51.568439 -2.583661
BS32 4LT 3 0 51.565301 -2.580156
BS32 4LU 3 0 51.567328 -2.564558
BS32 4LW 1 0 51.569134 -2.583263
BS32 4LX 18 0 51.56334 -2.559849
BS32 4LY 2 0 51.565386 -2.560754
BS32 4ND 1 1 51.54651 -2.553701
BS32 4NE 7 6 51.546962 -2.553416