all postcodes in BS32 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS32 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS32 4NF 4 4 51.547346 -2.553725
BS32 4NH 12 3 51.547662 -2.553699
BS32 4NJ 7 1 51.575846 -2.565788
BS32 4NN 8 0 51.576646 -2.565798
BS32 4NP 1 0 51.577404 -2.565273
BS32 4NQ 15 12 51.54814 -2.553402
BS32 4NR 6 0 51.576894 -2.564863
BS32 4NS 30 0 51.576058 -2.564766
BS32 4NT 10 0 51.575316 -2.563847
BS32 4NU 10 0 51.56372 -2.55388
BS32 4NW 4 0 51.577327 -2.566311
BS32 4NX 6 0 51.577058 -2.560651
BS32 4NY 1 1 51.57714 -2.562239
BS32 4NZ 6 0 51.57931 -2.554055
BS32 4PA 11 0 51.581028 -2.563341
BS32 4PB 1 0 51.577264 -2.56455
BS32 4PD 1 0 51.582909 -2.564735
BS32 4PE 1 0 51.583549 -2.568178
BS32 4PF 11 1 51.588585 -2.560737
BS32 4PG 1 1 51.586967 -2.564136