all postcodes in BS35 / BRISTOL

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Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS35 2JG 5 0 51.609568 -2.518162
BS35 2JH 24 0 51.609131 -2.517363
BS35 2JJ 21 0 51.609822 -2.517587
BS35 2JL 17 0 51.609666 -2.516358
BS35 2JN 12 0 51.61018 -2.516003
BS35 2JP 9 0 51.610286 -2.516495
BS35 2JQ 24 0 51.608862 -2.519266
BS35 2JR 17 0 51.610819 -2.515981
BS35 2JS 11 0 51.610858 -2.515202
BS35 2JT 29 0 51.611148 -2.514685
BS35 2JU 26 1 51.610802 -2.511446
BS35 2JW 36 0 51.610737 -2.518089
BS35 2JX 1 1 51.602152 -2.518078
BS35 2LA 1 1 51.590194 -2.52767
BS35 2LB 3 0 51.605811 -2.524155
BS35 2LF 1 0 51.592282 -2.529225
BS35 2LG 1 0 51.607495 -2.519279
BS35 2LH 28 0 51.608437 -2.515752
BS35 2LJ 36 0 51.608005 -2.515805
BS35 2LL 24 0 51.608404 -2.517094