all postcodes in BS35 / BRISTOL

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Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS35 2LN 16 0 51.608905 -2.515671
BS35 2LP 30 0 51.61027 -2.51391
BS35 2LQ 7 0 51.607832 -2.51833
BS35 2LR 18 2 51.590984 -2.528012
BS35 2LS 10 0 51.61002 -2.51343
BS35 2LT 11 0 51.611209 -2.512982
BS35 2LU 10 0 51.609096 -2.512943
BS35 2LW 21 7 51.609617 -2.515303
BS35 2LX 20 0 51.610113 -2.512753
BS35 2LY 28 0 51.610151 -2.512291
BS35 2LZ 19 0 51.609226 -2.514216
BS35 2NP 27 0 51.606631 -2.515399
BS35 2NR 24 0 51.606462 -2.517058
BS35 2NT 1 1 51.602472 -2.516536
BS35 2NU 1 1 51.603381 -2.522409
BS35 2NY 18 0 51.608651 -2.524289
BS35 2NZ 14 1 51.609336 -2.523762
BS35 2PQ 42 0 51.601388 -2.509478
BS35 2PX 55 0 51.601448 -2.51228
BS35 2QA 2 1 51.586747 -2.530532