all postcodes in BS37 / BRISTOL

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Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS37 5HR 1 1 51.542216 -2.428269
BS37 5HT 19 16 51.541011 -2.430577
BS37 5HX 12 1 51.540416 -2.436038
BS37 5HY 1 1 51.540529 -2.434596
BS37 5HZ 7 2 51.541217 -2.431042
BS37 5JA 14 0 51.539867 -2.436235
BS37 5JB 5 5 51.546485 -2.41116
BS37 5JD 12 0 51.543763 -2.420756
BS37 5JE 3 0 51.538544 -2.443849
BS37 5JF 11 1 51.53894 -2.443796
BS37 5JG 19 0 51.539695 -2.446269
BS37 5JH 6 0 51.540853 -2.446684
BS37 5JJ 5 0 51.543713 -2.446596
BS37 5JL 4 0 51.54411 -2.443658
BS37 5JN 14 4 51.541949 -2.439759
BS37 5JQ 3 0 51.539998 -2.446848
BS37 5JS 1 1 51.539463 -2.43861
BS37 5JW 1 1 51.542715 -2.436824
BS37 5JZ 1 1 51.538872 -2.437927
BS37 5NA 7 7 51.546841 -2.441881