all postcodes in BS37 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS37 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS37 5ND 1 1 51.546419 -2.431955
BS37 5NF 39 0 51.541358 -2.422046
BS37 5NG 39 38 51.548354 -2.433964
BS37 5NH 29 24 51.545956 -2.433438
BS37 5NJ 15 14 51.547186 -2.433954
BS37 5NL 5 5 51.547026 -2.433187
BS37 5NN 2 1 51.547851 -2.436209
BS37 5NQ 1 1 51.547756 -2.432892
BS37 5NS 13 11 51.539387 -2.437036
BS37 5NW 2 2 51.548982 -2.434446
BS37 5NZ 4 3 51.541174 -2.435164
BS37 5PB 11 9 51.542793 -2.435093
BS37 5PD 11 9 51.544764 -2.432257
BS37 5PG 12 10 51.543385 -2.435562
BS37 5PJ 30 0 51.543274 -2.416642
BS37 5PL 1 1 51.548273 -2.436314
BS37 5PN 20 0 51.542172 -2.415507
BS37 5PP 1 1 51.543107 -2.418039
BS37 5PQ 1 1 51.541271 -2.421034
BS37 5PR 33 0 51.543074 -2.417361