all postcodes in BS3 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS3 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS3 2HQ 8 51.438733 -2.628965
BS3 2HW 4 51.438559 -2.627898
BS3 2HT 5 51.438934 -2.627152
BS3 2JH 7 51.43999 -2.628088
BS3 2JJ 1 51.441076 -2.628448
BS3 2JL 1 51.440338 -2.630337
BS3 2JN 0 51.441432 -2.629258
BS3 2JP 0 51.442002 -2.631499
BS3 2JR 0 51.442517 -2.629791
BS3 2JS 0 51.442735 -2.629334
BS3 2JT 5 51.443192 -2.630839
BS3 2JW 0 51.442048 -2.630073
BS3 2JX 2 51.442803 -2.627956
BS3 2LB 1 51.437317 -2.621793
BS3 2LD 6 51.438032 -2.622666
BS3 2LE 0 51.441023 -2.623167
BS3 2LF 1 51.439218 -2.62284
BS3 2LH 0 51.436003 -2.615316
BS3 2LL 1 51.435971 -2.6214
BS3 2LN 0 51.436929 -2.618608