all postcodes in BS3 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS3 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS3 2LP 0 51.435776 -2.61747
BS3 2LQ 6 51.438468 -2.620211
BS3 2LR 0 51.435679 -2.616994
BS3 2LS 0 51.435312 -2.61673
BS3 2LT 0 51.435854 -2.616177
BS3 2LU 0 51.43666 -2.61518
BS3 2LW 0 51.436649 -2.61718
BS3 2LX 0 51.437286 -2.615836
BS3 2LY 0 51.437553 -2.616358
BS3 2LZ 0 51.437748 -2.616806
BS3 2NA 6 51.439754 -2.623394
BS3 2NG 0 51.433387 -2.6099
BS3 2NN 0 51.433147 -2.611105
BS3 2NP 2 51.433582 -2.611963
BS3 2NQ 4 51.433446 -2.610807
BS3 2NR 3 51.433716 -2.612336
BS3 2NS 13 51.434258 -2.616835
BS3 2NW 6 51.434359 -2.612923
BS3 2NX 0 51.436276 -2.612917
BS3 2NY 0 51.434719 -2.614953