all postcodes in BS3 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS3 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS3 1HG 0 51.440926 -2.607454
BS3 1HH 0 51.440903 -2.60672
BS3 1HJ 8 51.440915 -2.604461
BS3 1HQ 0 51.440954 -2.60721
BS3 1HT 4 51.441519 -2.601968
BS3 1HW 13 51.441282 -2.602927
BS3 1HZ 0 51.440432 -2.609016
BS3 1JA 14 51.441853 -2.61256
BS3 1JD 16 51.441148 -2.611486
BS3 1JF 7 51.440518 -2.609779
BS3 1JH 3 51.440744 -2.611437
BS3 1JJ 7 51.441133 -2.612207
BS3 1JL 1 51.440912 -2.611885
BS3 1JN 17 51.441635 -2.613003
BS3 1JP 6 51.442221 -2.614306
BS3 1JQ 4 51.440124 -2.609602
BS3 1JS 7 51.442643 -2.616254
BS3 1JU 3 51.443156 -2.616117
BS3 1JX 0 51.443304 -2.61661
BS3 1JY 0 51.443187 -2.61698