all postcodes in BS40 / BRISTOL

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Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS40 8BL 1 0 51.347036 -2.653967
BS40 8BN 6 0 51.351692 -2.658359
BS40 8BP 4 0 51.360696 -2.656833
BS40 8AQ 2 0 51.357394 -2.653457
BS40 8BQ 2 0 51.347885 -2.668614
BS40 8BS 3 0 51.364775 -2.654249
BS40 8BT 3 0 51.366744 -2.655314
BS40 8BU 2 0 51.366972 -2.653047
BS40 8BW 2 0 51.355477 -2.655397
BS40 8BX 2 0 51.367909 -2.660775
BS40 8DA 31 0 51.388066 -2.66661
BS40 8DB 15 0 51.387965 -2.668476
BS40 8DD 23 0 51.387357 -2.666427
BS40 8DG 18 0 51.381914 -2.663675
BS40 8DH 6 1 51.378472 -2.669103
BS40 8DJ 3 0 51.377615 -2.667018
BS40 8DL 4 0 51.372546 -2.67245
BS40 8DN 2 0 51.375595 -2.675325
BS40 8DP 9 1 51.374994 -2.68649
BS40 8DQ 10 0 51.380091 -2.66806