all postcodes in BS40 / BRISTOL

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Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS40 8DR 1 0 51.369862 -2.679978
BS40 8DS 6 0 51.363075 -2.681141
BS40 8DT 1 0 51.362575 -2.68517
BS40 8DU 8 0 51.378221 -2.678367
BS40 8DW 4 1 51.374649 -2.676213
BS40 8DX 4 0 51.381481 -2.67492
BS40 8DY 2 0 51.382936 -2.681023
BS40 8DZ 1 0 51.386696 -2.678201
BS40 8EE 2 0 51.382169 -2.659472
BS40 8EF 9 0 51.381181 -2.65977
BS40 8EG 3 0 51.382725 -2.661819
BS40 8EH 25 2 51.381991 -2.661262
BS40 8EJ 2 0 51.382022 -2.661639
BS40 8EL 2 0 51.381665 -2.661189
BS40 8EN 4 0 51.383095 -2.661637
BS40 8EP 2 0 51.382877 -2.65987
BS40 8EQ 4 0 51.382447 -2.661614
BS40 8ER 4 0 51.382828 -2.659464
BS40 8ES 8 0 51.382806 -2.658615
BS40 8ET 2 0 51.38238 -2.658742