all postcodes in BS40 / BRISTOL

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Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS40 8SA 9 0 51.370153 -2.614174
BS40 8SD 4 0 51.367357 -2.609022
BS40 8SE 6 0 51.367331 -2.610415
BS40 8SG 1 1 51.365818 -2.609275
BS40 8SH 16 8 51.365936 -2.610169
BS40 8SL 12 2 51.36555 -2.610607
BS40 8SN 12 0 51.365351 -2.609111
BS40 8SP 14 3 51.364857 -2.608975
BS40 8SQ 13 0 51.364735 -2.610093
BS40 8SS 10 0 51.363768 -2.612623
BS40 8ST 1 0 51.364276 -2.615301
BS40 8SU 24 0 51.363042 -2.610488
BS40 8SX 15 1 51.362518 -2.609145
BS40 8SY 7 0 51.360364 -2.608556
BS40 8SZ 6 1 51.355849 -2.612216
BS40 8TA 2 0 51.360437 -2.607783
BS40 8TB 14 0 51.357448 -2.602012
BS40 8TD 2 0 51.357856 -2.602651
BS40 8TF 8 0 51.347248 -2.599222
BS40 8TE 8 0 51.351263 -2.596574