all postcodes in BS40 / BRISTOL

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Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS40 8YT 6 0 51.338794 -2.683294
BS40 8YW 5 0 51.338844 -2.682318
BS40 8AP 18 0 51.378816 -2.660918
BS40 8DE 4 0 51.382801 -2.662768
BS40 8UP 36 0 51.354714 -2.629563
BS40 8DF 0 51.383064 -2.660617
BS40 8WQ 1 1 51.350101 -2.632917
BS40 8WP 1 51.350101 -2.632917
BS40 8WD 1 1 51.350101 -2.632917
BS40 8EA 0 51.355028 -2.630776
BS40 8EB 1 0 51.375125 -2.659959
BS40 8FB 2 0 51.375468 -2.677191
BS40 9UD 1 0 51.385415 -2.695642
BS40 9UF 3 1 51.386301 -2.688743
BS40 9UG 17 2 51.389773 -2.688551
BS40 9UH 33 0 51.388784 -2.68707
BS40 9UJ 10 0 51.388397 -2.689655
BS40 9UL 16 1 51.387421 -2.689051
BS40 9UN 16 1 51.387858 -2.6865
BS40 9UP 2 2 51.389142 -2.699109