all postcodes in BS48 / BRISTOL

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Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS48 2HH 16 0 51.428387 -2.763468
BS48 2HJ 8 0 51.430302 -2.75903
BS48 2HN 1 1 51.430336 -2.755204
BS48 2HP 14 0 51.430483 -2.76027
BS48 2HR 17 0 51.429401 -2.762208
BS48 2HS 34 0 51.429185 -2.762205
BS48 2HT 10 0 51.429236 -2.764302
BS48 2HU 13 0 51.429455 -2.76514
BS48 2HW 14 0 51.429885 -2.75994
BS48 2HX 29 0 51.42847 -2.767353
BS48 2HY 22 0 51.428711 -2.765879
BS48 2HZ 12 0 51.428638 -2.764771
BS48 2JA 25 0 51.430658 -2.761333
BS48 2JB 23 0 51.430966 -2.759612
BS48 2JD 34 0 51.431601 -2.761209
BS48 2JE 9 0 51.432262 -2.76218
BS48 2JF 9 0 51.43214 -2.763041
BS48 2JG 2 0 51.430797 -2.763195
BS48 2JH 17 0 51.43169 -2.764501
BS48 2JJ 23 1 51.430549 -2.763939