all postcodes in BS48 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS48 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS48 2JL 8 0 51.430206 -2.764548
BS48 2JN 39 0 51.429901 -2.764313
BS48 2JP 16 0 51.430552 -2.765273
BS48 2JQ 13 0 51.431305 -2.76412
BS48 2JR 22 0 51.430915 -2.766128
BS48 2JS 13 0 51.430099 -2.767063
BS48 2JT 16 0 51.431519 -2.765836
BS48 2JU 14 0 51.431064 -2.762563
BS48 2JW 12 0 51.429753 -2.766382
BS48 2JX 10 0 51.42828 -2.763139
BS48 2JY 34 0 51.428185 -2.762404
BS48 2JZ 15 0 51.428185 -2.76135
BS48 2LA 23 0 51.428935 -2.760773
BS48 2LB 15 0 51.429385 -2.760482
BS48 2LG 31 0 51.427255 -2.759277
BS48 2LH 25 0 51.428749 -2.757619
BS48 2LL 14 0 51.430212 -2.752451
BS48 2LN 7 0 51.430253 -2.753084
BS48 2LP 21 1 51.428199 -2.755079
BS48 2LQ 15 0 51.428548 -2.758062