all postcodes in BS48 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS48 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS48 2LR 17 0 51.42843 -2.756852
BS48 2LW 32 0 51.427902 -2.756455
BS48 2NA 32 0 51.4351 -2.761407
BS48 2NB 37 0 51.434539 -2.764635
BS48 2ND 1 0 51.434445 -2.765237
BS48 2NE 9 0 51.434343 -2.764358
BS48 2NF 29 0 51.436591 -2.764295
BS48 2NG 35 0 51.436784 -2.765104
BS48 2NH 37 0 51.435904 -2.763507
BS48 2NJ 12 0 51.435299 -2.763914
BS48 2NL 19 0 51.435782 -2.761534
BS48 2NN 8 5 51.437931 -2.766993
BS48 2NP 1 1 51.437257 -2.768094
BS48 2PF 5 0 51.426402 -2.746362
BS48 2PT 2 0 51.427704 -2.744977
BS48 2QF 35 0 51.42703 -2.761651
BS48 2QG 15 0 51.42582 -2.762552
BS48 2QH 37 0 51.426122 -2.764412
BS48 2QJ 36 0 51.42647 -2.763853
BS48 2QL 10 0 51.427619 -2.765411