all postcodes in BS48 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS48 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS48 3RU 12 2 51.412853 -2.68434
BS48 3RW 5 4 51.410969 -2.693891
BS48 3RX 4 0 51.410298 -2.679931
BS48 3RY 10 2 51.408992 -2.677237
BS48 3SE 6 1 51.413425 -2.670533
BS48 3RZ 12 0 51.409526 -2.679646
BS48 3SA 2 0 51.40903 -2.677902
BS48 3SB 6 0 51.4088 -2.677651
BS48 3SD 2 0 51.408704 -2.67679
BS48 3SF 21 0 51.418261 -2.668055
BS48 3SH 2 0 51.407312 -2.665469
BS48 3SJ 6 1 51.401794 -2.671783
BS48 3SL 4 1 51.399104 -2.67505
BS48 3SP 2 0 51.395872 -2.684579
BS48 3SQ 1 0 51.406441 -2.664174
BS48 3SR 1 1 51.399228 -2.693954
BS48 3SS 1 0 51.403202 -2.687948
BS48 3ST 11 0 51.399172 -2.677423
BS48 3SU 2 0 51.402038 -2.674176
BS48 3SW 5 0 51.398294 -2.678416