all postcodes in BS48 / BRISTOL

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Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS48 3HD 7 0 51.41223 -2.740882
BS48 3HE 8 0 51.412048 -2.741253
BS48 3HF 11 0 51.412162 -2.74173
BS48 3HG 26 3 51.411642 -2.743954
BS48 3HH 26 4 51.413561 -2.740606
BS48 3HL 7 4 51.412874 -2.742522
BS48 3HN 13 0 51.412885 -2.743629
BS48 3HP 14 0 51.413438 -2.744641
BS48 3HQ 8 1 51.412155 -2.743891
BS48 3HR 15 0 51.414817 -2.745242
BS48 3HS 5 0 51.414981 -2.743889
BS48 3HT 27 1 51.415891 -2.74457
BS48 3HU 26 0 51.41477 -2.742754
BS48 3HW 12 8 51.413424 -2.74257
BS48 3HX 26 0 51.414036 -2.742267
BS48 3HY 9 0 51.413731 -2.741036
BS48 3HZ 8 0 51.415731 -2.744251
BS48 3JB 9 0 51.412641 -2.729803
BS48 3JD 9 0 51.410556 -2.742269
BS48 3JE 19 0 51.408154 -2.742801