all postcodes in BS48 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS48 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS48 1SS 9 0 51.430725 -2.745252
BS48 1ST 17 0 51.432092 -2.745361
BS48 1SU 13 0 51.431736 -2.74441
BS48 1SW 23 0 51.431218 -2.745236
BS48 1SX 8 0 51.432772 -2.744423
BS48 1SY 7 0 51.433135 -2.743954
BS48 1SZ 12 0 51.430551 -2.745868
BS48 1TA 9 6 51.432906 -2.758508
BS48 1TB 15 2 51.432486 -2.756491
BS48 1TD 11 0 51.431671 -2.754819
BS48 1TE 30 0 51.432221 -2.753304
BS48 1TF 11 0 51.43174 -2.753857
BS48 1TG 15 0 51.431269 -2.753029
BS48 1TH 4 0 51.421195 -2.746593
BS48 1TJ 6 1 51.419463 -2.753022
BS48 1TL 2 0 51.41768 -2.75872
BS48 1TN 2 0 51.420659 -2.751363
BS48 1TP 12 0 51.431981 -2.757054
BS48 1UA 11 1 51.422156 -2.706167
BS48 1UB 9 0 51.422618 -2.706979