all postcodes in BS48 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS48 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS48 1NE 10 1 51.434754 -2.717783
BS48 1NF 1 0 51.429042 -2.703454
BS48 1NG 4 1 51.425905 -2.704671
BS48 1NJ 2 0 51.424789 -2.690893
BS48 1NL 5 1 51.42528 -2.691832
BS48 1NN 2 0 51.42831 -2.699145
BS48 1NW 3 0 51.429001 -2.699699
BS48 1NQ 12 0 51.42512 -2.698751
BS48 1NR 8 0 51.434724 -2.739697
BS48 1NS 5 0 51.438849 -2.70841
BS48 1NT 5 1 51.436512 -2.712603
BS48 1NX 5 0 51.44172 -2.71831
BS48 1NY 1 0 51.442474 -2.727228
BS48 1PA 1 0 51.448074 -2.718827
BS48 1PB 1 0 51.445975 -2.725341
BS48 1PD 5 0 51.452967 -2.727222
BS48 1PE 3 0 51.461858 -2.731927
BS48 1PF 1 1 51.459821 -2.729807
BS48 1PG 3 0 51.452024 -2.738562
BS48 1PH 8 0 51.448381 -2.745673