all postcodes in BS5 / BRISTOL

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Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS5 9BD 2 1 51.4531 -2.562298
BS5 9BE 32 0 51.461358 -2.561794
BS5 9BF 13 0 51.452249 -2.56574
BS5 9BG 37 0 51.461999 -2.559455
BS5 9BH 25 0 51.461645 -2.558299
BS5 9BJ 24 4 51.461922 -2.556461
BS5 9BL 27 0 51.462279 -2.557156
BS5 9BN 10 0 51.462544 -2.556439
BS5 9BP 33 3 51.461584 -2.555924
BS5 9BQ 12 1 51.461662 -2.5602
BS5 9BS 13 0 51.461726 -2.554414
BS5 9BT 12 0 51.462068 -2.554418
BS5 9BU 18 0 51.451826 -2.565778
BS5 9BW 21 0 51.462204 -2.556089
BS5 9DA 34 0 51.46087 -2.560478
BS5 9DB 27 0 51.460961 -2.560133
BS5 9DD 16 0 51.459117 -2.558528
BS5 9DE 8 0 51.459862 -2.558868
BS5 9DF 11 8 51.460721 -2.55944
BS5 9DG 39 0 51.460652 -2.558935