all postcodes in BS5 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS5 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS5 9DH 12 0 51.460717 -2.558547
BS5 9DJ 12 0 51.460502 -2.558401
BS5 9DL 34 0 51.459471 -2.557899
BS5 9DN 27 0 51.459766 -2.558161
BS5 9DP 33 0 51.459691 -2.556937
BS5 9DQ 10 0 51.461345 -2.558972
BS5 9DR 30 0 51.460865 -2.557815
BS5 9DS 30 0 51.460827 -2.558217
BS5 9DT 14 0 51.459774 -2.556578
BS5 9DU 15 0 51.459604 -2.556389
BS5 9DW 20 0 51.460131 -2.556942
BS5 9DX 29 0 51.460893 -2.557499
BS5 9DY 18 1 51.461101 -2.557256
BS5 9DZ 28 0 51.45974 -2.556074
BS5 9EA 27 0 51.460985 -2.556881
BS5 9EB 37 0 51.460531 -2.556213
BS5 9ED 24 0 51.461242 -2.556035
BS5 9EE 23 0 51.460695 -2.555625
BS5 9EF 19 0 51.460507 -2.555594
BS5 9EG 9 0 51.46013 -2.555445