all postcodes in BS7 / BRISTOL

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Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS7 0BF 1 1 51.485826 -2.583611
BS7 0BJ 20 5 51.491886 -2.583602
BS7 0BN 24 0 51.491565 -2.583094
BS7 0BP 11 0 51.490147 -2.584271
BS7 0BQ 1 1 51.492631 -2.580241
BS7 0BS 25 0 51.489819 -2.583388
BS7 0BT 15 0 51.490391 -2.584
BS7 0BU 30 0 51.490567 -2.583066
BS7 0BW 24 2 51.490657 -2.584767
BS7 0BX 20 0 51.48965 -2.582939
BS7 0BY 22 0 51.489526 -2.582563
BS7 0BZ 31 0 51.490838 -2.582753
BS7 0DA 34 0 51.49102 -2.582266
BS7 0DB 32 0 51.491403 -2.581233
BS7 0DE 34 0 51.491736 -2.581252
BS7 0DF 7 0 51.491091 -2.57891
BS7 0DJ 22 0 51.490294 -2.570921
BS7 0DL 41 2 51.491197 -2.573727
BS7 0DN 27 0 51.490894 -2.573334
BS7 0DP 47 0 51.491822 -2.574656