all postcodes in BS7 / BRISTOL

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Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS7 0DQ 3 0 51.491345 -2.578438
BS7 0DR 12 0 51.492427 -2.574261
BS7 0DS 38 1 51.492847 -2.572897
BS7 0DT 24 0 51.492573 -2.573758
BS7 0DU 20 0 51.492033 -2.571922
BS7 0DW 31 0 51.491376 -2.572159
BS7 0DX 27 0 51.493221 -2.571836
BS7 0DY 37 0 51.493511 -2.571235
BS7 0DZ 38 1 51.490868 -2.571303
BS7 0EA 26 0 51.493183 -2.570266
BS7 0EB 22 0 51.496065 -2.569481
BS7 0ED 37 0 51.497947 -2.568769
BS7 0EE 44 0 51.497323 -2.569597
BS7 0EF 14 0 51.49599 -2.569926
BS7 0EG 25 0 51.496103 -2.570749
BS7 0EH 18 0 51.494696 -2.569852
BS7 0EJ 16 0 51.490919 -2.571793
BS7 0EL 8 0 51.499275 -2.56929
BS7 0EP 28 0 51.490463 -2.573199
BS7 0EQ 24 0 51.493244 -2.570727