all postcodes in BS9 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS9 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS9 1BE 28 0 51.482715 -2.628775
BS9 1BG 19 0 51.482031 -2.630451
BS9 1BH 3 0 51.482913 -2.632004
BS9 1BJ 12 0 51.485139 -2.631142
BS9 1BL 14 0 51.484729 -2.636983
BS9 1BN 1 1 51.485604 -2.636635
BS9 1BP 26 0 51.485185 -2.640878
BS9 1BQ 20 0 51.482238 -2.632095
BS9 1BS 24 0 51.483994 -2.641524
BS9 1BT 6 0 51.484359 -2.640708
BS9 1BU 10 0 51.484748 -2.641923
BS9 1BW 18 3 51.484357 -2.639412
BS9 1BX 4 0 51.484648 -2.638782
BS9 1BY 6 0 51.483635 -2.641389
BS9 1BZ 11 0 51.482481 -2.638709
BS9 1DA 15 0 51.48125 -2.640189
BS9 1DB 18 0 51.482258 -2.636718
BS9 1DD 18 0 51.482868 -2.636957
BS9 1DE 24 1 51.482884 -2.642315
BS9 1DF 10 0 51.482205 -2.641527