all postcodes in BS9 / BRISTOL

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Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS9 1DG 6 0 51.482643 -2.641994
BS9 1DH 10 0 51.483194 -2.641469
BS9 1DJ 9 0 51.483585 -2.642353
BS9 1DL 5 0 51.484263 -2.6434
BS9 1DN 6 0 51.485005 -2.642503
BS9 1DP 5 1 51.483512 -2.644239
BS9 1DQ 21 0 51.483093 -2.641929
BS9 1DR 25 0 51.48145 -2.646413
BS9 1DS 13 0 51.481755 -2.644905
BS9 1DT 6 0 51.480742 -2.647627
BS9 1DU 18 0 51.480223 -2.647145
BS9 1DW 7 1 51.486173 -2.642635
BS9 1DX 12 1 51.480057 -2.649446
BS9 1DY 2 0 51.479344 -2.64823
BS9 1DZ 15 0 51.478453 -2.648545
BS9 1EA 4 0 51.479807 -2.64927
BS9 1EE 1 1 51.494023 -2.619179
BS9 1EF 1 0 51.494023 -2.619179
BS9 1EH 15 0 51.482438 -2.633322
BS9 1EJ 6 0 51.482505 -2.632675