all postcodes in BS9 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS9 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS9 2BG 7 0 51.488601 -2.634315
BS9 2BH 2 0 51.486796 -2.635417
BS9 2BJ 9 1 51.488117 -2.632436
BS9 2BL 12 0 51.487431 -2.632959
BS9 2BN 23 0 51.486352 -2.632988
BS9 2BP 14 0 51.485835 -2.63216
BS9 2BQ 24 0 51.487512 -2.634646
BS9 2BS 9 0 51.485865 -2.633168
BS9 2BT 5 0 51.487275 -2.633447
BS9 2BW 14 0 51.486616 -2.633942
BS9 2DA 30 0 51.490351 -2.638315
BS9 2DB 22 0 51.49103 -2.63903
BS9 2DE 16 0 51.489345 -2.639799
BS9 2DF 11 1 51.487322 -2.6412
BS9 2DG 10 0 51.487941 -2.641738
BS9 2DH 13 0 51.488503 -2.639153
BS9 2DJ 18 0 51.487347 -2.640145
BS9 2DL 6 0 51.485984 -2.639492
BS9 2DN 8 0 51.485549 -2.640077
BS9 2DP 12 6 51.486249 -2.642002