all postcodes in BS9 / BRISTOL

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Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS9 2DQ 4 0 51.487109 -2.642234
BS9 2DR 18 9 51.48653 -2.641376
BS9 2DS 7 1 51.487034 -2.643036
BS9 2DT 2 0 51.487249 -2.644669
BS9 2DW 10 3 51.486009 -2.641437
BS9 2DX 6 0 51.48747 -2.645504
BS9 2DY 35 2 51.488271 -2.647086
BS9 2DZ 6 0 51.487135 -2.645719
BS9 2EA 15 2 51.487451 -2.647348
BS9 2EB 16 1 51.488583 -2.649193
BS9 2ED 4 0 51.48899 -2.65038
BS9 2EE 22 2 51.488194 -2.64932
BS9 2EF 4 0 51.488718 -2.650736
BS9 2EG 8 0 51.489467 -2.651812
BS9 2EH 22 0 51.49056 -2.654161
BS9 2EP 22 0 51.486873 -2.64937
BS9 2EQ 7 0 51.489196 -2.652125
BS9 2ER 14 0 51.485748 -2.649628
BS9 2ES 20 0 51.486688 -2.648849
BS9 2ET 15 0 51.485474 -2.648817