all postcodes in BS9 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS9 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS9 2HW 8 0 51.484196 -2.649001
BS9 2HX 27 1 51.486673 -2.651542
BS9 2HY 26 0 51.486837 -2.651156
BS9 2HZ 38 0 51.484237 -2.648109
BS9 2JB 20 0 51.488426 -2.643458
BS9 2JD 33 0 51.488027 -2.643942
BS9 2JE 21 0 51.490969 -2.643681
BS9 2JF 17 0 51.491283 -2.643888
BS9 2JG 10 0 51.491351 -2.64445
BS9 2JH 16 0 51.48991 -2.644905
BS9 2JJ 21 0 51.488249 -2.644536
BS9 2JL 17 0 51.488301 -2.644926
BS9 2JN 10 0 51.489133 -2.645672
BS9 2JP 36 0 51.486575 -2.646399
BS9 2JQ 10 0 51.489799 -2.645354
BS9 2JR 20 0 51.488204 -2.646077
BS9 2JS 32 0 51.489223 -2.647315
BS9 2JT 17 1 51.489345 -2.649549
BS9 2JU 12 0 51.489074 -2.648163
BS9 2JW 12 0 51.488686 -2.646847