all postcodes in BS9 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS9 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS9 2JX 21 0 51.490112 -2.648815
BS9 2JY 22 0 51.490213 -2.647084
BS9 2JZ 12 0 51.489977 -2.647499
BS9 2LA 13 1 51.491993 -2.648852
BS9 2LB 18 0 51.490159 -2.650425
BS9 2LD 14 0 51.490624 -2.650792
BS9 2LE 22 0 51.490027 -2.649847
BS9 2LF 12 0 51.488255 -2.651493
BS9 2LG 14 0 51.48845 -2.652028
BS9 2LL 4 0 51.49151 -2.638475
BS9 2LN 9 0 51.491303 -2.640128
BS9 2LP 20 0 51.490881 -2.641393
BS9 2LQ 6 1 51.486623 -2.652092
BS9 2LR 19 0 51.49016 -2.640285
BS9 2LS 25 0 51.489073 -2.641782
BS9 2LT 19 0 51.489381 -2.641383
BS9 2LU 14 0 51.49199 -2.644445
BS9 2LW 4 0 51.49175 -2.64061
BS9 2LX 13 0 51.492366 -2.644738
BS9 2LY 8 0 51.492158 -2.646665