all postcodes in BS9 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS9 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS9 2PD 5 0 51.492658 -2.644037
BS9 2PE 6 1 51.493598 -2.644528
BS9 2PF 9 0 51.493102 -2.644965
BS9 2PG 10 0 51.492918 -2.645682
BS9 2PH 15 0 51.494586 -2.646455
BS9 2PJ 10 0 51.494556 -2.647074
BS9 2PL 15 0 51.49551 -2.646886
BS9 2PN 23 0 51.496319 -2.645284
BS9 2PP 11 4 51.493834 -2.647341
BS9 2PQ 10 0 51.493461 -2.646669
BS9 2PR 15 1 51.493518 -2.649465
BS9 2PS 22 0 51.493177 -2.649345
BS9 2PT 24 0 51.493224 -2.652168
BS9 2PU 13 0 51.492445 -2.653209
BS9 2PW 21 0 51.495941 -2.645066
BS9 2PX 26 0 51.492199 -2.652168
BS9 2PY 2 0 51.491812 -2.655162
BS9 2PZ 21 0 51.490895 -2.653849
BS9 2QA 17 0 51.491077 -2.653449
BS9 2QB 14 0 51.49134 -2.652963