all postcodes in BS9 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS9 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS9 2LZ 10 0 51.491817 -2.646488
BS9 2NA 14 1 51.491708 -2.648215
BS9 2NB 10 0 51.491459 -2.647707
BS9 2ND 20 0 51.491357 -2.645098
BS9 2NE 23 0 51.491357 -2.646513
BS9 2NF 16 0 51.490854 -2.646546
BS9 2NG 21 0 51.49069 -2.64699
BS9 2NH 11 0 51.491299 -2.650614
BS9 2NJ 13 1 51.491942 -2.649903
BS9 2NL 17 1 51.49069 -2.651859
BS9 2NN 18 0 51.490814 -2.652221
BS9 2NP 16 0 51.492172 -2.650468
BS9 2NQ 4 0 51.491613 -2.650806
BS9 2NR 10 0 51.49283 -2.648591
BS9 2NS 8 0 51.492597 -2.648487
BS9 2NT 10 1 51.492395 -2.647306
BS9 2NU 6 0 51.493283 -2.647978
BS9 2NW 22 0 51.492305 -2.650816
BS9 2PA 10 0 51.492498 -2.641917
BS9 2PB 7 0 51.492805 -2.643434