all postcodes in BT12 / BELFAST

find any address or company within the BT12 postcode district

Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT12 5PQ 35 0 54.588086 -5.945966
BT12 5PR 38 1 54.588122 -5.946475
BT12 5PS 29 0 54.58827 -5.947257
BT12 5PT 34 0 54.588204 -5.9476
BT12 5PU 20 0 54.58938 -5.947015
BT12 5PW 41 0 54.589388 -5.945932
BT12 5PX 32 0 54.589442 -5.943794
BT12 5PY 18 0 54.589315 -5.94479
BT12 5PZ 14 0 54.589147 -5.944397
BT12 5QA 5 1 54.5913 -5.949487
BT12 5QB 28 0 54.589723 -5.94921
BT12 5QE 13 0 54.589707 -5.948809
BT12 5QF 13 0 54.589846 -5.948554
BT12 5QG 9 0 54.590747 -5.948184
BT12 5QH 11 0 54.590892 -5.948208
BT12 5QN 12 0 54.593968 -5.948409
BT12 5QQ 23 0 54.591217 -5.947232
BT12 5QR 2 0 54.594767 -5.94628
BT12 5QS 8 0 54.594713 -5.946778
BT12 5QT 10 0 54.594128 -5.946745