all postcodes in BT14 / BELFAST

find any address or company within the BT14 postcode district

Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT14 7LB 52 0 54.614864 -5.958829
BT14 7LD 49 3 54.614471 -5.962208
BT14 7LE 37 0 54.615151 -5.959356
BT14 7LF 38 0 54.615269 -5.959443
BT14 7LG 39 0 54.615615 -5.959674
BT14 7LH 51 0 54.616327 -5.958245
BT14 7LJ 39 0 54.61575 -5.959729
BT14 7LL 40 0 54.616078 -5.959976
BT14 7LN 40 0 54.616214 -5.960046
BT14 7LP 41 0 54.616602 -5.960182
BT14 7LQ 27 0 54.616241 -5.962739
BT14 7LR 26 0 54.616577 -5.962923
BT14 7LS 24 0 54.61673 -5.962962
BT14 7LT 24 0 54.617066 -5.963193
BT14 7LU 22 0 54.617211 -5.963217
BT14 7LW 22 0 54.617547 -5.963463
BT14 7LY 44 0 54.616358 -5.964885
BT14 7LZ 40 0 54.617129 -5.965326
BT14 7NA 31 1 54.614575 -5.96516
BT14 7NB 49 0 54.614574 -5.962451