all postcodes in BT16 / BELFAST

find any address or company within the BT16 postcode district

Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT16 1LF 8 0 54.598669 -5.79232
BT16 1LG 29 0 54.598604 -5.79367
BT16 1LQ 34 0 54.60034 -5.792323
BT16 1QN 22 0 54.59575 -5.816139
BT16 1QP 23 0 54.584847 -5.79709
BT16 1QS 17 0 54.582825 -5.793657
BT16 1QT 84 68 54.597405 -5.781695
BT16 1QW 45 0 54.596029 -5.81617
BT16 1RB 37 0 54.595517 -5.816167
BT16 1RF 3 3 54.594547 -5.813696
BT16 1RH 1 1 54.596795 -5.811301
BT16 1RJ 34 7 54.594932 -5.806217
BT16 1RL 17 8 54.594549 -5.805882
BT16 1RN 54 10 54.594558 -5.801456
BT16 1RQ 6 3 54.594682 -5.807252
BT16 1RS 12 1 54.595277 -5.805378
BT16 1RU 13 0 54.594122 -5.800675
BT16 1SH 12 0 54.59362 -5.78399
BT16 1SJ 30 0 54.590874 -5.78663
BT16 1SL 13 0 54.590021 -5.786692