all postcodes in BT19 / BANGOR

find any address or company within the BT19 postcode district

Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT19 1PH 9 0 54.654627 -5.709957
BT19 1PJ 7 0 54.654043 -5.709958
BT19 1PP 5 0 54.657895 -5.726495
BT19 1PQ 33 0 54.65459 -5.708982
BT19 1PR 5 0 54.652009 -5.704572
BT19 1PS 6 0 54.652667 -5.702334
BT19 1PT 38 0 54.650779 -5.705106
BT19 1PU 8 0 54.675183 -5.741887
BT19 1PW 16 0 54.652154 -5.700845
BT19 1PX 49 0 54.655967 -5.707634
BT19 1PY 22 0 54.650597 -5.693185
BT19 1PZ 56 0 54.649874 -5.693412
BT19 1QA 13 0 54.646237 -5.690674
BT19 1QB 22 0 54.644798 -5.692522
BT19 1QD 31 0 54.646627 -5.690869
BT19 1QE 37 0 54.646836 -5.692437
BT19 1QF 18 0 54.646227 -5.691108
BT19 1QG 21 0 54.64513 -5.692937
BT19 1QH 36 1 54.64646 -5.69393
BT19 1QJ 22 0 54.647796 -5.695187