all postcodes in BT19 / BANGOR

find any address or company within the BT19 postcode district

Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT19 1LD 16 0 54.673002 -5.740566
BT19 1LE 28 0 54.673857 -5.741108
BT19 1LF 34 0 54.67039 -5.742649
BT19 1LG 8 0 54.665247 -5.73523
BT19 1LH 5 0 54.666279 -5.734227
BT19 1LJ 41 0 54.665509 -5.733867
BT19 1LL 9 0 54.674867 -5.743269
BT19 1LN 4 0 54.672169 -5.741201
BT19 1LP 19 0 54.651818 -5.701623
BT19 1LQ 6 0 54.665829 -5.734671
BT19 1LR 17 0 54.659661 -5.700591
BT19 1LS 15 0 54.651773 -5.70209
BT19 1LU 35 1 54.652846 -5.698992
BT19 1LX 3 0 54.652979 -5.701232
BT19 1LY 14 0 54.653208 -5.702412
BT19 1LZ 19 0 54.653597 -5.701631
BT19 1NA 3 0 54.653271 -5.701479
BT19 1NB 52 1 54.655296 -5.701147
BT19 1NE 4 0 54.669613 -5.742429
BT19 1NG 39 0 54.654804 -5.701299